WIPO Reduces PCT Fee “Happy 2016”

WIPO has come up with revised fee schedule for International Applications under PCT w.e.f. 01st January 2016. There are few changes in the fees structure with slight variations. No major changes have been done.

Following fee changes are observed in this revision:

Particulars Fees(as on 1st Dec 2015) Revised Fees(w.e.f. 1st Jan 2016)
Transmittal and international filing fees
International Filing Fee USD 1384** 1363**
  (USD 16) per sheet over 30** (USD 15) per sheet over 30**
ePCT Fee Reduction USD 208, USD 312 USD 205, USD 307
IPEA and Search Fees
ISA Search Fee USD 150*** USD 154***
Handling fees USD 208* USD 205*

* Natural person

** 90% Fee Reduction for Natural Person.

*** 75% Fee Reduction for Natural Person.

Other fee schedule for other activities remain same.

After filing international application, an applicant has a choice of choosing International Search Authority (ISA). Different ISAs have different requirements relating to fees, language, etc. An applicant can choose India as ISA by which the overall fees of application will decrease as the search fee for India as ISA is very less as compared to other ISA.


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